On day 1, we talked about his life,
his experiences with Albert Einstein and other giants of physics, his
life in India as a child, his college days, his father, his mother,
his venturing into Law practice, how he met his wife, his move to the
United States, and his many years at City College in New York.
On day 2, we talked about his faith -
Zoroastrianism - what were the teachings of Zarathushtra, how to
practice them, how they have changed over the past millennia, and
about the Zoroastrian community of today.
On day 3, which was undoubtedly the
climax of the interview, we discussed what he calls his "original
contribution to philosophy", and that is his thesis of
"Domains of Belief".
On day 4, we discussed how his thesis
can be applied to day-to-day life, as well as to social institutions
such as the justice system, the medical and healing institutions, the
education system, the family... and we concluded the day with an
emotional farewell.