Kaikhosrov D. Irani

Domains of Belief 
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Date: 05/18/2005


Location: BENIN
Date: 05/05/2005



Name: Pervez Appoo
email: pya@qad.com
Location: Sydney, Australia
Date: 03/09/2005


Dear Prof Irani, Greetings from Sydney. I miss our discussions on physics and philosophy so hope to see you soon in Sydney again. Regards, Pervez Appoo PS: Do you have a younger brother Farokh - my mama, Noshir Motiwala, was a great friend of his.

Name: Andrew Vida
email: osan@netlabs.net
Date: 02/13/2005


I took classes with professor Irani in 1981 at CCNY. I enjoyed myself immensely and was always very impressed with his demeanor, knowledge, and sense of humor. I'll never forget his "health tip" of drinking a glass of water every morning after waking. I do just that. I also remember when one of the students in my class tried to murder him in his office with a knife, claiming he was the devil. My esteemed professor never let any hint of his being rattled show and in fact addressed the issue to us with quite the sense of humor. I have always had a warm spot in my heart for him. I hope he is well and happy.

Name: fakhrolsadat
email: emamioureh@yahoo.com
Location: tehran
Date: 02/08/2005


f basalam lotfan ;ketabetan ra baraye man ersal farmaeed. mamnoon

Name: Perviz Madon, Past President, Zoroastrian Society of British Columbia
email: pervizmadon@hotmail.com
Location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Date: 12/09/2004


It has been an honour to have been acqainted with Professor Kaikhosrov Irani and his gracious wife Piroja. I first met Prof. Irani in our beautiful city of Vancouver when we hosted the 8th North American Zoroastrian Congress in 1992 and thereafter at several other Congresses and FEZANA get togethers. I sincerely wish them both a long, healthy, peaceful and prosperous life together. You both have been great role models for us all.

Name: Joseph Farber
email: JPFarb@optonline.net
Location: Westchester , New York
Date: 11/28/2004


I was a student of Prof Irani in 1958. He was one of the best teachers I have ever had. Does he give lectures or teach today. Is it possible for me to attend his lectures or classes?

Name: Ronald Delavega
email: delavegal@bellsouth.net
Location: Miami USA
Date: 11/22/2004


Dear Professor Irani I shall never ever forget our meeting in California, nor your gentle and erudite ways. Your father's wonderfully poetical translation has always moved me and so has your wonderful explanations of Zarathushtian theology. All the best always to you and Piroja. In Asha Ronald

Name: alireza mosayebi
email: am24004@yahoo.com
Location: karaj , iran
Date: 11/19/2004



Name: Sam Kerr
Location: Sydney, Australia
Date: 11/09/2004


I wish I had been able to attend this felicitation function. I want you to know, Kaikhosrov (and Piroja) I will, nevertheless, be there in spirit.

 This celebration (so my spirit says) is all about the power of a united voice from far and wide to say something to a person. One, who has, more than once, touched their lives in the capacity of a humanist, an unpretentious catalyst. One, who is able to voice meaning into everything and yet allow everyone to have their voice and their attitude at a sort of shared level creating enough space for them to exercise a rising consciousness. 

That is just what has made all the difference, globally. 
And, that is why so many are gathered today to salute you. 

Sam Kerr (Sydney, Australia)

Name: Yezdi, Magdalena, Aaron Rustomji
email: yrustom @uh.edu
Location: Houston, Texas
Date: 11/09/2004


Dearest Kaikhosrov and Piroja: 

Yezdi, Magdalena, Aaron are with you in spirit today: 

We remember when we first met you; and, while it was not soon enough then, you will always be with us in our life. While you and Piroja have become our most influential friends, our greatest pleasure and satisfaction is in that our son, Aaron, has had the great fortune to know both of you. 

As much as we have met you on many occasions in various places, we most treasure the time spent with you both in New York, a few years ago. We can only wish that we lived nearer to you, so that we could stroll with you in Manhattan and chat at sidewalk restaurants as we did then. 

As a family, we have come to understand our pristine Zarthushtrian philosophy from your thoughtful lectures and by reading your works: And if we have learned anything from both of you (quoting Goethe) it is that- 

From early on (you) have suspected that the so important sounding task ‘Know thyself’ is a ruse of a cabal of priests. They are trying to seduce man from activity in the outside world, to distract him with impossible demands; they seek to draw him into a false inner contemplation. Man only knows himself insofar as he knows the world- the world which he only comes to know in himself and himself only in it. 

We have greatly enjoyed being with you and Piroja for your wit and storytelling also. The Hopi Indians have a proverb- The one who tells the stories, rules the world: 

Apparently, the Hopis did not have some priests to reckon with as you have. But, Kaikhosrov, you have never been too far removed from ruling the world (as Piroja occasionally complained- but lovingly): Many of us have felt quite privileged to be your subjects, whenever we gathered to listen to you; or sat down to discuss your writings, including your great father Dinshaw’s translation of the Gathas. 

We shall always remain grateful to you Kaikhosrov, Piroja for exemplifying the thoughtful Zarthushtrian way of life. 

Yezdi, Magdalena, Aaron Rustomji 
Houston, Texas

Name: Dina G. McIntyre
email: DINAMCI @aol.com
Location: Norfolk, Virginia
Date: 11/06/2004


Dear Kaikhosrov and Piroja, 

You both have long been among my Z idols, and all round favorite human beings. And a very short, simple book by your dad, Dinshaw Irani, started me on my love of Zarathushtra's teachings. 

Kaikhosrov, your thoughtful lectures have been a source of inspiration, and the humor with which you inevitably deliver them, make you a pleasure to listen to. 

You and Piroja are truly treasures of the Zarathushtrian community, and indeed of the human community. Your kindness, your generosity, your courage, your intelligence, your deep insight and knowledge, your integrity, your great sense of humor, have lighted us to paths of reason. And who could ever forget Piroja's frank, intelligent and hilarious commentaries! 

But most of all, I thank you both for your friendship. It is a source of happiness for me to hear the phone ring, pick it up, and hear your voice at the other end, ready to discuss anything and everything that is going on in our community, with civility and intelligence, and always, deep interest. 

I am glad that ZAGNY has joined the City College of New York, the World Zoroastrian Organization, the North American Zoroastrian Congresses, and other august institutions in honoring you. 

Thank you both for being my friends. 

With much affection, 
Dina G. McIntyre

Name: Aysha Ghadiali
email: aghad @hotmail.com
Location: New York
Date: 11/06/2004


Professor Irani, 

How can our community thank you enough? You have been the intellectual tour de force that has inspired us to think and rationalize in the true enlightenment spirit-perhaps the way Zarathushtra himself wanted us to strive for perfection. In a day and age when religious fervor has its hold on the world from Asia to the Middle East to the Mid-West, United States, it is your style of religious thought in moderation and honesty that I hope leads the way. I thank you sincerely for your lifetime of efforts and thoughts. We have listened, learned, and tried to emulate in our lives. It is scholars like you that bring us closer to understanding the deepest part of our indescribable, sacred souls. 

Aysha Ghadiali

Name: Cyrus & Toxy Cowasjee
email: toxy39 @attglobal.net
Location: Karachi , Pakistan
Date: 11/06/2004


Dear Kaikhosrov, 

On 20 November 2004, your community, the New Yorkers, will be honouring you for your distinguished service given not only to us Zarathushtrians, but to all the students of Philosophy. We your friends, who live too far away to be present for this occasion, will be with you in spirit, on this special day of yours and rejoice that once again you are being recognized. 

We were with Piroja and you when the 7th World Zoroastrian Congress at their Award Ceremony in Houston, conferred rightly the “Outstanding World Zarathushti Award” on you. What a happy occasion it was, for so many friends to be together. 

We Karachi-ites, have never forgotten the few days both Piroja and you so graciously visited us, and as always, charmed the community with your wisdom and wit. We are indeed blessed to have had a person like you, a true teacher in every sense of the word, someone to admire and emulate, to learn from and implement, a privilege to know and cherish. You have achieved in your lifetime, the respect and admiration of not only your community but all who have come your way – what more can any human wish for. 

May the Lord Almighty bless you and keep you safe with your beloved Piroja. 

With best wishes,
Cyrus & Toxy Cowasjee

Name: Meher Amalsad
email: babameher @prodigy.net
Location: Westminster, California, USA
Date: 11/06/2004


Professor Irani, 

when I count my blessings, I count you twice for your immeasurable contribution to the North American and Global Zarathushti community.

 I have had the distinctive privilege of knowing you for the past 20-years as a role model of "Determination without Discrimination." I have truly admired your wisdom and work filled with insightful gems from Zarathushtra's philosophy in particular and human philosophy in general. I believe that: "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that the extraordinary know that they can make a difference." 

Thank you Professor Irani for making a significant difference in the spirit of humanity. 

In the spirit of Inspiration May the Light Of Valuable Energy and the Love In God's Heart Today be with you and your family. 

Blessings with love and light always 
from Meher Amalsad

Name: Jalil Doostkhah
email: dkhah @yahoo.com.au
Location: Townsville, QLD., Australia
Date: 11/01/2004


Dear Professor Kay-Khosraw Dinshah Irani,

It is my greatest pleasure and honor to send you my congratulations and admiration on this auspicious occasion organized by the ZAGNY.

You are indeed one of the most outstanding scholars of our time in the field of Persian (Iranian) studies especially the ancient and valuable Zoroastrian heritage and its brilliant philosophy on humanity. 

I have learned a lot from attending your lectures in the United States ten years ago as well as here in Australia during your visits; and also by reading your informative research articles. 

I have no doubts that all of the students and lovers of Persian Culture will dearly appreciate having access to your Full Treasure (Ganj-e Shaygan) of Persian (Iranian) and Zoroastrian studies.

Best Wishes
Jalil Doostkhah

Name: Jehan Bagli
email: jbagli @rogers.com
Location: Toronto, Canada
Date: 11/01/2004


Dear Zarathushtrians: 

Haurvatat and Ameretat are Zarathushtrian values that mark the end of one's quest for the path of Asha -the recognition of the Global Truth. These are the consequences of truthful following of the teachings of Zarathushtra. All Zarathushtis must strive through life to attain harmony within to disseminate the same without to bring perfection to this flawed existence. No one person has done more than Prof. Kaikhosrov Irani to bring this harmony with wisdom, to reality. His efforts to bring Peace and Understanding of Zarathushtrian way of life within the community, has earned him Ameretat - the Immortality in this physical life. I wish him long and fruitful years to come. 
With Peace, Guidance and Enlightenment from Mazda 
Jehan Bagli

Name: Dolly Dastoor
email: dollydastoor @sympatico.ca
Location: Boussard, Quebec, Canada
Date: 11/01/2004


Tribute for Kaikhusroo Irani, 

In Kaikhusroo, the Zarathushti community has one, if not the, major figure of the intellectual life of our times. His deep philosophical insights, his mastery of rigorous ethical thought devoid of any dogmatism, his gripping oratory of making the most complex construct easy to understand, his sense of humor and all this mixed with a true expression of humility has endeared him to all generations of Zarathushtis. Kaikhusroo's contributions will be measured by the impact he has had on the evolving maturity of the community not only in North America but in the Zarathushti diaspora as well, for enabling us all to appreciate and understand the basic Gathic principles of the Zarathushti religion as the “View of the World” and the “Way of Life” for all human beings. 
With deep admiration 
Dolly Dastoor Brossard, 
Quebec, Canada

Name: Farida Bamji
email: icicle211274 @yahoo.com
Location: Ontario, Canada
Date: 11/01/2004


Felicitating Professor K. D.Irani 

One cloudy foggy 
Autumn Day 
Where the mists settles 
Way down low 
Behind the cloudy veiled curtain 
A Shiny Star a-peeking 
Seems to light the path below 

The whafting gentle breeze 
Seems to carry a message 
With a playful tease 
"Hear with your Ears 
And ponder with a Good Mind" 
If you please. 

Being a Scholar of our Religion 
As well as true stalwart T
o portray Zoroastrianism 
In a light to tru 
By often contributing 
Your expertise 
Would benefit the 
Zoroastrian Community 
By giving Zoroastrianism I
t's Due 

Mehr Afzoon Baad 
Choicest Blessings 
Farida Bamji, 
Ontario, Canada

Name: Jamshed R. Udvadia
email: jrudvadia @voyager.net
Location: Lansing, MI
Date: 11/01/2004


Kaikhosrov D. Irani deserves the plaudits of the Zarathushti community and others who have come in contact with him for his advanced thinking in Religious Philosophy. He has done much to bring the Zarathushti religion into the 21st century and dispel narrow orthodox views concerning Religion. 
best regards ........... 
Jamshed R. Udvadia, 
Lansing, MI

Name: Purviz Kolsawalla
email: purviz_k @yahoo.com.au
Location: Australia
Date: 11/01/2004


Friends of Proffessor Kaikhosrov and Piroza Irani from Sydney wish him the very best on this joyous occasion. We still remember with fondness the visits he had made in Sydney in the past. We appreciate his gentle and wise guidiance and look upon him as a true mentor who presents his viewpoints at the level which ordinary Zarathustis understands. His wise council is appreciated by Zarathusties world wide. As I mentioned at the Award Ceremony in Houston that we the Members of Australian Zoroastrian Association of NSW truly count Kaikhosrov and Piroaza as one of our own. May Ahura Mazda grant them both a long and happy life with health. 
Purvez Kolsawalla 
Sydney, Australia

Name: Mehr Soroushian
email: mazda @att.net
Location: San Diego, CA
Date: 11/01/2004


Dear Professor Irani, 
Our best wishes to you and Pirojah for a life time of accomplishment. Your contribution to understanding of Zarathushtra's message is so outstanding, and we complement you for all the wisdom you have shared with others, and all the knowledge you have generated. May you always be blessed with wisdom, and the ability to enrich other minds. 
With best wishes, 
Mehrbanou and Mehrborzin Soroushian 
Thank you Shahriar for the insightful interview you did with Professor Irani and for the fine production of 'Domains of Belief'.

Name: Sam Kerr
Location: Australia
Date: 10/27/2004


Well done.

Name: The Danesh
email: Lvbl_daddy @yahoo.com
Location: Narragansett, America
Date: 10/25/2004


Domain of belief is a very interesting way of looking at things and after reading the four demand section I thought maybe it would be useful to add a fifth one what I would perhaps call it: Demand for Signification of Others. This domain of belief compels the individual actors seek ways, ideas, technique through which help individuals of his choice to grow and assume a greater signification in their lives an din doing it society at large remain protected and developed by harnessing such domain untapped energy and creativity. In other words, let's burn the King's throne!

Name: Ketty Aspi Wadia
email: kwadia @austin.rr.com
Location: Austin Texas
Date: 10/25/2004


Currently in our Society, Prof. K D Irani, is undoubtedly the most learned person about Zoroastrianism and we are fortunate to have him in our midst. During my brief stay of 6 years in New York I had occasion to meet him and his wife Piroja. I found both of them to be a delightful couple, leading a truly honest and truthful zoroastrian life. They are a beautiful example to our children, and we hope that our children will aspire to be like them.





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